Q: What's the difference between Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster and CVS's commitment to its employees' job satisfaction?
A: There's actually a chance that the first two exist.
I bring this up because it's that time of the year again, time for the CVS Employment Engagement Survey. You know, it's that list of about 20 questions that all employees are encouraged to anonymously answer so that CVS can take in what their employees have to say about the company and alter their policies and procedures accordingly.
OK, OK, I almost got through that entire description without actually laughing out loud. There are only three things that are wrong with the description of the Survey; 1) employees aren't so much encouraged as they are required to participate (more on that later); 2) it's only somewhat anonymous, and; 3) after 3 years of taking this ludicrous survey not one thing has improved.
I'll start with the last thing first, but first a little background on the EES. Let's start with the basic presentation of the EES to the employees. Store and field management is quick and persistent to drive home the point that the EES should only reflect how the employee feels about his or her store. You're not supposed to think about the district, the region, the area or the company as a whole. I remember the district manager actually sending an email to the store manager when they were trying to schedule a store meeting so they could discuss the results of the EES a few years ago. This nitwit actually wrote that if any of the employees started talking about issues outside of the store the store manager was to steer the conversation back to store level. Translation: the residents of the Ivory Tower don't give a fuck what you think about the job they do. I've said many times that I don't have any significant problems with store management, my frustration lies with the upper levels and their decision making and policies.
After all the money, time and energy the BIG changes are an occasional pizza party and "free soft drink and snack day." Evidently this is the big idea that they hit upon to help improve morale. At one time they were going to let us wear jeans one day a month, but then the regional manager saw it in one store and decided it didn't look professional so it got squashed after only a couple months. I guess only dress slacks are really worthy to be worn with those high end polo shirts, eh? Meanwhile there's absolutely no means for people at store level to communicate directly with those above. You have to "go through channels" and if your district manager is anything like mine then you're better off talking to a mop. So once again the frustrations with things like the warehouse, the store support center (a misnomer if ever there was one), IT issues, policy and procedure, etc. are ignored.
Then there's the issue of anonymity. While it may (or may not) be true that it's considered an anonymous survey the store management still knows if everyone in the store has completed it. They receive a report that tells how many employees haven't yet completed the survey, then they go around asking people if they've completed it because (wait for it...) the store managers get shit from the district manager if they have employees who don't complete the survey. This leads to the third point, that it's not REALLY voluntary.
Because the store managers are held responsible for their staff's participation they will absolutely harass any employee who is honest and admits that they haven't taken the survey. In my store we actually had the store manager tell an employee that she couldn't leave for the day until she took the survey! When I heard that my reaction was ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? You want to know how the employees feel about their jobs so you're going to hold them against their will until they participate. It's kind of like the poster I once saw that said, "THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES." I know the employee really can't be held after their shift is over but in this job market some folks may be hesitant to cross the manager, even when the manager is so blatantly wrong. I just hope the manager isn't surprised when their survey results show a high level of job dissatisfaction.
Bottom line is that once again it is CVS doing something because it gives the perception that they actually give a shit and that they are "proactive". Must be something that Wall Street likes, since the only thing the Ivory Tower team really cares about is the bottom line. If pretending that you actually view your employees as human beings helps drive up the stock price I guess they must consider it money well spent.
I would LOVE to see what the results are this year...
ReplyDeleteWait a minute...you get pizza, free drinks and snacks, and get to wear polo shirts?!? I'm doing something wrong at my store. So much for cheating on triple S by caling from my friends phones on surveys I ripped of f receipts for the last 18 months...
ReplyDeleteThis is amazingly hilarious. Keep speaking the truth!
ReplyDeleteI am a store manager from NJ and although this site written with a level of immaturity it is basically correct. The frustration at my level is that I have to come up with a plan to improve engagement based on the survey feedback knowing that cvs's issues are the cause and not my managing of the store. each year i am pressured to make a plan despite it's futility. In NJ CVS is piloting a program to improve the score by having us take the survey twice. What I don't get is why the scores come back so high for the chain.
ReplyDeleteWow, you really think I'm immature in my writing? Am not :p
DeleteCVS is a heartless corporation! Now, they have a "new" I got heart employee campaign. LMAO...what a joke. This company is so full of crap up to their eyeballs!!! They are the BIGGEST bully in corporate America! This company treats their employees like slaves and get away with it! What is wrong with this picture? Here is my CVS employee enangement survey...
ReplyDeleteCVS are master mind-control slave puppeteers. If slavery is your long-term goal as a prospective employee...just apply online and sign your name in blood. You are hired!
ReplyDeleteCVS got rid of any pharmacists with any 2 cents suggestions are fired. Any seasoned pharmacists are replaced by cheaper and younger pharmacists from NDSU, or Iowa, Indiana, or oversupply of East coast pharmacy school graduates like popping the popcorns who will work long hours and have to work so they can payback the student loans.
ReplyDeleteMost of the DMs are not pharmacists and the spineless Rx. Supervisors who are pharmacists are under the control of money grubbing DMs.
I think more people need to read blogs like this. Its so important to know how to construct a great blog to get people interested and you've done just that. The content is great.HR analytics
ReplyDeleteA little 8 year old boy was made because the pharmacist at CVS slandered his mother and her doctor. He pulled out his cell phone and video tapped the entire thing. Watch CVS Pharmacist Slander The Doctor.
CVS is absolutely...the fucken worse pharmacy to start out in...I was treated like a fucken slave. And was not trained properly in the pharmacy. .the management is beyond. Words. . Ethics line don't fucken bother...you get nowhere... at my store.well the store I worked at There more concerned about about scanning extra care cards then getting prescriptions done on time...we had a wonderful over night pharmacist who was just a dream to work with..I could not say one terrible thing about him..heard through the grapevine. .my store pharmacy mgmt forced him to transfer to another cvs out of town. .they kept us understaffed continuous, this was a a fucken 24 hr store hello??????? I was embarrassed to say I worked at that store... I was either stuck at drive through or the registers..my entire shift. .. every single day we were in the red.. filling scripts that were supposed to be ready the day before. ..I have been screamed at by customers people have burst into tears. .because there meds were not done ...and they called them in the day before... and they were to be picked up when they got out if work...nothing was ever ready...I used to litterly pray...someone's meds were not in the red when I was lookin it up in the registers system. When they were standing inpatient in front if me...nothing was implemented at meetings...I was spoken to about eating a bag of chips doing RTS work..but mean while the manager eats lunch microwaved in the BR micro..and eats at her station...we were told 2 times by different customers our store was cursed. .the stories I could tell.... mindblowin. ...need less to say... after asking 3 tines to transfer to another store..no help from management....I had my hrs cut to 12 hrs a week...I came in on days off. Stayed late you name it....I had great reviews from customers that I have tried to do ...whatever I could to help.. ..I never came in with a bad attitude. .I never gave co-workers a bad attitude..it was when I Went over managements head to file 2 complaints. .on my lack of training...I was fired 2 weeks before my state exam. . Really? ??? Filed a 3rd complaint on THat subject..got nowhere. ... should have known when 5 pharmacy techs. Left within 3 months.. 3.5 star store out if 5 on the website.. many customers left and went to Walgreen or Wal-Mart...one tech who left..left her licence..forgot she left it..went bAck to get it...management took it off the wall and ripped it up threw it in the trash... I think that says it all...
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ReplyDeleteThanks, Busarakham.